Tarot Insights: Knight of Cups

I think of knights as fire, full of the passionate energy of youth. Not wide-eyed innocent pages, but high-spirited teenagers, sometimes rebellious, sometimes stroppy, usually full of themselves—knowing they are right about everything, constantly testing their boundaries. When we apply this to the Knight of Cups, we see someone who is passionate about following theirContinue reading “Tarot Insights: Knight of Cups”

Tarot Insights: The Magician

All that Potential… In contrast to the rather static depiction of the Magician in the RWS deck, showing all potential but no real action, the Bonefire Tarot Magician is surrounded by representatives of the elements that swirl around him. Nothing is manifest yet, but something is about to come into being—the creative process is inContinue reading “Tarot Insights: The Magician”

Tarot Insights: Ten of Coins

In the Bonefire deck, the Ten of Coins (aka pentacles) is illustrated by ten flowers in bloom, a coin in the center of each, growing in lush green grass. We can see the roots of one of the flowers, and there is a dog sniffing around the foreground, seemingly also at root level.  A castleContinue reading “Tarot Insights: Ten of Coins”

Tarot Insights: The Hermit

There is conflicting energy in The Hermit as he is pulled in two different directions. He shines the light of a star from out his lantern, but he is using that light to look within.  And with that inner focus he is also called on to share his knowledge and wisdom with the outer worldContinue reading “Tarot Insights: The Hermit”

The Daily Draw: Three of Pentacles

I know I haven’t been around much through October. Let’s just say life was complicated, most of my time went to others, and I ended up feeling drained and run down.  There’s no point thinking the demands won’t continue, because they will, but I’m getting a better handle on retaining a bit of that energyContinue reading “The Daily Draw: Three of Pentacles”

The Daily Draw: The High Priestess

Deep and Flowing At the top of the tarot deck, just past the fool, are the archetypes of male and female energy in their purest form—The Magician and the High Priestess, and they are apparent opposites. The Magician ‘s realm is the conscious mind, the power of taking action, exerting will to shape and changeContinue reading “The Daily Draw: The High Priestess”