The Daily Draw: Page of Swords

Featured imageMercury is coming to the end of another retrograde phase, turning direct tomorrow. Mercury rules my sun sign (Virgo) and the left side of my brain has found it a challenge to find a clear way forward on a particular project I’m working on or, more accurately, two complimentary and potentially conflicting projects. I won’t bore you with the details. Let’s just say they are complex projects, one of which hasn’t been signed off on yet so can’t be officially begun (and may be shelved). But if we proceed with both, and they are not completed simultaneously, neither will be completed on time.

The slow-down associated with Mercury retrograde has resulted in the pressure feeling like it is off. But with each day that goes by we draw one day closer to the deadline. A budgetary decision needs to be made in the next few days to avoid the type of chaos I’d rather not experience. I’m trying to mentally prepare people for the possibility that the decision will make itself if too much more time goes by, but up the chain no one seems to want to commit.

It reminds me a bit of the old joke about changing motoring regulations to bring Ireland into line with the EU. When implemented, all traffic will drive on the right instead of the left side of the road, as they do on the continent. Starting tomorrow we implement phase 1, starting with trucks and busses.

In this context, what I’m getting from the Page of Swords is that I need to analyse the possible scenarios and have a strategy for each, because once a decision is made the pressure will be on. At least for today I have the luxury of treating this like an abstract exercise, to look at it objectively without having any specific expectations place on me by myself or others? What happens if we do both? What happens if we do one? What happens if we start one now then begin the other while the first is in progress? We could be told that our course of action could be any of those, and I need to be prepared.

I drew this card last month, and my thoughts on it were a bit broader in scope. You can read them here.

Published by David Cady

Reiki Master, Rahanni practitioner, musician, writer, free thinker, family man, not necessarily in that order.

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